Director’s Page

JCCT Accepting Directors’ Proposals

Anyone interested in directing a play for Jackson County Community Theatre’s next season is invited to submit a proposal for consideration by the board of directors.

There are four productions in the mainstage theatre season. In addition, the youth program, JCYAT, produces two shows per year. The group tries to balance the season with comedies, dramas, musicals, and mysteries. Plays proposed should be of appropriate content for the community.

The mainstage season begins with a show in the summer, usually in September. The second play is typically a holiday themed show presented in late November to early December. The third production is the dinner theatre in February. The season ends with a production in late April and/or early May. The JCYAT productions are typically held in July (following the summer workshop) and late January.

Directors submitting proposals should indicate their preferred dates. The committee will review all proposals received and select four for the coming season. If you are interested in directing, and are flexible as to which play is being presented, please make that known to the committee as well.

Call Out for Directors, Assistant Directors, and Production Managers!

Jackson County Community Theatre’s Season Selection Committee is happy to accept proposals for future seasons at any time. Although there is not a hard deadline for proposals, we encourage directors to submit them by the fall of each year, as we typically finalize plans for the next season during the winter months.

If you would like to submit a show for consideration an upcoming season, please contact us at We typically think about shows not only for the next season, but for other future seasons as well, so please indicate if you have any preferences or constraints in terms of which season(s) you are available for. Should you desire to direct and do not have a show in mind, please contact us regardless as we encourage new faces in our theatre and always have a few plays that we are considering.

We’re also looking for Production Managers (which we used to call producers). Production Managers are responsible for assisting the director with logistics as the play is planned, rehearsed, and performed. More information is available below in the “Guidelines for Producers” document.

Print the Director’s Proposal Form

Our season runs from June through May. We typically make decisions about plays for the following season during the winter months. If you are interested in directing a play for JCCT, complete the form below and email it to us at  We will choose from all proposals submitted. Generally, we stage four mainstage performances, and two for JCYAT, our young actors’ theatre.

The two versions below are identical. Choose the format you prefer.
Word Document
PDF Version

Please direct any questions about directing to:

Below are links to useful guidelines for those who aspire to direct or produce for our theatre:
Guidelines for Directors
Guidelines for Producers

The Jackson County Community Theatre is a nonprofit, local organization dedicated to providing quality live theatre productions for Jackson County and surrounding communities. Our actors and crew are members of our community; we welcome anyone interested in theatre to join us.